
Monday, July 13, 2015

July 13

Heyy! So this week was pretty great!! We had a lot of success this week for sure. We had a mission wide challenge to see who could find the most investigators and set baptismal dates with them. Out of all the areas in the whole mission, my comp and I won with 33 new investigators! We found so many new people this week!! It was pretty great! So right now we are teaching a lot of people which is great! Besides working hard this week, nothing else really happened. haha. I did learn most of " La Bamba" on guitar this week, which is fun. If you guys want to send me sheet music for guitar for some songs, that would be great. Nothing in particular. I loved that karaoke song performed by Paige, Peyton, and Mia. It was awesome. You guys should send me that actual song. I really like it. Idk why. But I hope everything is going great there! You guys seem like you are having a lot of fun lol the other day, I was so hot because its been getting really hot here lately. I felt like jumping into a pool, but since I'm a missionary, lol, I couldn't do that, so I took the coldest shower ever and it reminded me of the pool. It was great. #lifeofamissionary. I hope you guys are doing great though! Love and miss you! Elder Cowan Brady
*Say 'hi¨ to the beach for me. It has been getting crazy hot here. I ordered a few more Elder Brady nametags last week, so when I get them, Iĺl be sending one to you guys. You can stick it on the fridge or something.
About the possible parasite...My appetite is gone. I haven't eaten that much lately because everything I eat ends up hurting my stomach. My comp had a parasite when he was in Mexico and there is this other guy in the mission that weighed 240 lbs, got a parasite and now is super skinny.


Monday, July 6, 2015

July 6

Hey! So, this week was a great week! It kinda felt long, but it was good! However, I'm excited to email. I'm in the same area, so you can continue to send letters here! English for days. lol. I got a new companion though. His name is Elder Velez. He is from Utah but his parents are from Columbia and he was raised speaking English and Spanish. He served a year in Mexico and then came to this mission and he's been here for 6 months now. There's good and bad about every companion, but the good thing about this companionship is that we're working really hard. We worked super hard this week, were really focused on the work and had a lot of success! This week we found 13 new investigators and set baptismal dates with almost all of them. We are teaching this Spanish family right now and set baptismal dates with all 4 of them. They are a good family and could easily get baptized early next month, if we work for it. We also found another family yesterday and set baptismal dates with 3 of them. They are an awesome family. We also set baptismal dates with another family this past week, so we've had a lot of success. I was thinking last night of a commitment that I could give you guys. Something that would make the missionaries there so happy. I thought of this. If the missionaries are doing there job right over there, they will be asking you for people you know that they can teach. I want each of you to give them someone you know that they could teach. Earlier in the week, we helped this family move. They were moving to San Antonio because of some difficult circumstances they were in. We taught them a little about our basic beliefs and then we called the missionaries in San Antonio to see if we could get them to help them unload once they got to San Antonio. Members showed up that day and the lady came to church yesterday with her kids. We told her that if she wanted to see a surprised look on the missionaries faces up there that she should tell them that she wanted to be baptized, because she did. haha. That was pretty cool, though. Please pray for me this week to have success and people at church this Sunday. Hope everything is great there! Love and miss you guys lots, Elder Cowan Brady
I want to share one more experience I had this week with you guys. It happened on Tuesday. A super great experience that I've never really had to that extent. Theres a less active family that we have in our ward. Its that family that we've been going over too that committed to church that hadnt been to church in forever! But we went over there on Tuesday. For some reason, I really like visiting this family because talking to the mom always puts me in a great mood. She really reminds me talking to Maria, Ashley's mom. Same exact personality. But a few days before we visited them, her pregnant had a very scary experience with her baby. The baby was too low in the womb. So this situation stressed out the family a ton. But we went to the moms house and I told her that I just wanted to share one scripture with her. I started reading the scripture and half way through I look up and she is bawling her eyes out. I continued to finish the scripture and bore my testimony on it. The spirit was super strong and the lady looks at me and told me" Elder Brady, that scripture is exactly what I needed to hear. Thank you." It just gave me a super good feeling. super powerful experience.
BTW, I weigh 150 now, so I lost 15 lbs. We aren't sure if it's from a parasite, though.

There were a bunch of fruit trees in the back of this lady's yard
and she gave us permission to take some.
There were lemons, oranges, grapefruits and other stuff.